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Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah merupakan salah satu sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang terkenal pemberani yang berasal dari Bani Tsaqif di Thaif. Salah satu matanya buta karena terluka saat terjadi perang Yarmuk.
KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah Ulama Nahdlatul Ulama Jombang Jawa Timur
KH. Maimoen Zubair or who is ussualy called Mbah Moen is the first son of Kiai Zubair dahlan and Nyai Mahmudah couple. He was born in Karang Mangu Sarang on Thursday mont of Sha’ban 1347 H or 1348 H or October, 28 1928.
Gus Baha is the son of the great religious teacher of Holy Qur’an and the Pesantren leader in Tafidzul Qur’an LP3IA whose named KH. Nursalim al- Hafizh from Narukan, Kragan district, Rembang regency, Central Java.
KH. As'ad Syamsul Arifin is the caretaker of the pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah in Sukorejo Village, Asembagus District, Situbondo Regency. He is a great scholar as well as a figure from Nahdlatul Ulama with his last position as the Advisory Council (Musytasar) of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board until the end of his life.
KH. Husein Muhammad married with Nyai. Hj. Lilik Nihayah Fuadi. From this marriage, he was blessed with 5 sons and daughters. His children include Hilya Auliya born 1991, Layali Hilwa born 1992, Muhammad Fayyaz Mumtaz born 1994, Najla Hammaddah born 2002 and Fazla Muhammad born 2003.
KH. Muhammad Hasyim Asy'ari Nahdlatul Ulama Jombang Jawa Timur lessonlearn
KH. Said Aqil Siradj married with Nyai. Nur Hayati Abdul Qodir. During his marriage, he was blessed with four children, They are: Muhammad Said Aqil, Nisrin Said Aqil, Rihab Said Aqil, and Aqil Said Aqil.