Translation of Kitab al-Hikam (English version)

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PengarangAhmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Atha'illah As-SakandariTahun Terbit Masehi/Hijriah-/-
PenerbitBalai Buku SurabayaFan/KategoriTasawwuf
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The work of Shaykh Ibn Atha'illah, full name Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Atha'illah As-Sakandari.
Born in the city of Alexandria (Egypt) in the year 648 H/ 1250 AD. He died in Cairo in 1309.
Al Hikam is a very popular book among Muslims. The content of this book is often quoted by scholars, cleric, preachers, and others. Contains wise aphorisms about Chapter morals, hearts, and his relationship with the Creator that is God. No wonder Al Hikam is categorized as one of the high level tasawwuf books.

In general, those who study and recite Al Hikam are adults, even more parents who study the book. There are also many Islamic boarding schools and taklim assemblies that open the study of books that have deep language. Ibn Atha'illah is a Syadziliyah Tariqa figure who stood in the village of Ghumarah, Sabtah City, Maghrib region (now including Morocco, North Africa). Syadziliyah is one of the leading Sufi orders in the world, especially in Indonesia.

Ibn Atha'illah is a very productive scholar. His works include the fields of tafsir, Sufism, Hadith, aqeedah, nahwu, and usul fiqh. Some of the titles of his books are Unwan at-Taufiq Fi'dab Al-Tariq, Al-Tanwir fi Isqath Al-Tadbir, Miftah Al-Falah, and Al-Qaul Al-Mujarrad fil Al-Ism Al-Mufrad. Al-Hikam is referred to as Ibn Atha'illah's magnum opus.

There are many aphorisms (wisdom) that exist in the book of Al-Hikam.

Carnal Desires

إرادَتُكَ التَّجْريدَ مَعَ إقامَةِ اللهِ إيّاكَ في الأسْبابِ مِنَ الشَّهْوَةِ الخَفيَّةِ، وإرادَتُكَ الأَسْبابَ مَعَ إقامَةِ اللهِ إيّاكَ فِي التَّجْريدِ انْحِطاطٌ عَنِ الهِمَّةِ العَلِيَّةِ

Your desire for tajrid (seclusion or leaving worldly desires, including seeking sustenance) when Allah has set you on asbab (business, where allah has provided people with means of livelihood), is included in the whisper of a vague desire. On the contrary, your desire to do asbab even though Allah has placed you in the position of tajrid, is a degradation of the sublime himmah (spiritual determination).

Thank you for reading the translation of Al-HIKAM at web I hope this book can benefit us all. Aamiin ya rabbal ' aalamiin


By                :  Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Atha'illah As-Sakandari
Translator :  H.SALIM BAHRESIY
Book          :  translation of Al-HIKAM (PDF)
Thickness  :  116 pages (PDF)
Publisher   :  Balai Buku Surabaya


Source: The Complete Book Of Islam

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