The Story of Adam and Eve Fact or Myth?

Laduni.ID, Jakarta - Some argue that the story of Adam and Eve is a myth. In fact, according to Lorens Bagus in his book Dictionary of Philosophy, the word mythos, which comes from the Greek language, is a story related to gods and heroes of ancient times, which contains an interpretation of the origin of the universe, humans and even a nation that has a deep meaning and is expressed in an irrational way or explained in an animistic form and these stories often have forgotten their origins.
The story of Adam and Eve is impossible for people to forget, because their story is not only told by God in the Qur'ān, but also described in the heavenly books before the Qur'ān, for example in the Bible chapter of Genesis. In other words, not only Muslims, but also non-Muslims have at least heard the story of Adam and Eve.
Moreover, people generally believe that Adam was the first human of the male gender, while Eve was the first human of the female gender. In other words, they were the first grandparents of the human race. How can people forget this when they are the origin of humanity? Their story cannot be separated from sunnatullah, the law of causality, so it can be studied rationally.
The controversy over the story of Adam and Eve is due to the interpreters' different methods of interpreting the verses that explain their story as well as their different assessments of the traditions related to the story.
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