Biography of KH. Ahmad Baha’udin Nursalim (Gus Baha)
KH. Ahmad Baha’uddin Nursalim or commoly called gus Baha was born on Sept 15, 1970 in Sarang Rembang, Central Java. Gus Baha is the son of the great religious teacher of Holy Qur’an and the Pesantren leader in Tafidzul Qur’an LP3IA whose named KH. Nursalim al- Hafizh from Narukan, Kragan district, Rembang regency, Central Java.
Gus Baha’s (KH. Nursalim) is a students of KH. Arwani al-Hafidz Kudus and Abdullah Salam al-Hafidz Kajen Pati, who has relationship with the greatest religion teacher.
In maintaining and spread The Qur’an at the same time, Gus Baha’s father together with his friend Gus Miek (KH. Hamim Jazuli) in that time both created movement to listening Holy Qur’an door to door from one place to another. In the beginning of the time the movement called Jantiko ( Jamaah anti Koler). The movement’s name change into Mantab ( Majelis Nawaitu Topo Broto), then it changed into Dhikrul Ghofilin’s movement.
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