Biography of Prof. Dr. KH. Said Aqil Sirodj
List of content of Prof. Dr. KH. Said Aqil Sirodj
- Birth
- Lineage
- Family
- Education
- Role in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)
- Career at NU
- Journey
- Appreciation
- Genealogy Chart
Prof. Dr. KH. Said Aqil Siradj or who is often called as Kang Said was born on July 3, 1953, in Kempek Village, Palimanan, Cirebon. He is the second son of five children, from the couple of KH. Aqiel Sirodj with Hj. Afifah binti KH. Soleh Harun, founder of the Kempek Islamic Boarding School. Among his brothers, KH. Ja'far Shodiq, KH. Muhamad Musthofa, KH. Ahsin Syifa and KH. Ni'amillah.
Based on the lineage of KH. Said Aqil Siradj, he is the 32nd dzuriyah of Rasullullah with the following lineage order:
Muhammad SAW with Fatimah Az Zahra binti Husein bin Muhammad al Baqir bin Ali Zaenal Abidin bin Ali ‘Uraidhi bin Ja’far as Shodiq bin Muhammad an Naqib bin Isa ar-Rumi bin Ahmad al Mujahir bin Alawi Awwal bin Ubaidillah bin Muhammad Shohibus Saumi’ah bi Alawi Ammil Faqih (Hadrulmaut) bin Abdul Malik Al Mujahir bin Alawi Atsani bin Muhammad Shohib Mirbat Ali Kholi’ Qosam bin Alawi Ammil Faqih bin Abdul Malik
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