Biography of KH. Miftachul Akhyar
List of content of KH. Miftachul Akhyar
KH. Miftachul Akhyar was born in 1953. He is the ninth son of thirteen children, from KH. Abdul Ghoni, a caregiver at the Pesantren Tahsinul Akhlaq Rangkah.
KH Miftachul Akhyar’s father is a close friend of KH. M. Usman al-Ishaqi Sawahpulo when they were both studying at KH. Romli in Rejoso, Jombang.
KH. Miftachul Akhyar is a figure who has a broad mastery of religious knowledge and Sheikh Masduki Lasem interested in him, so that he was taken as son in law by his teacher who was counted as a special alumni at the
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