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KH. Achmad Shiddiq was a moderate and unique scholar within Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). He was not only knowledgeable in religious matters but also had a remarkable appreciation for the arts. He enjoyed the voice of Umm Kulthum and even liked rock music, such as that of Michael Jackson.
Gus Baha is the son of the great religious teacher of Holy Qur’an and the Pesantren leader in Tafidzul Qur’an LP3IA whose named KH. Nursalim al- Hafizh from Narukan, Kragan district, Rembang regency, Central Java.
KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri is a foremost Nahdlatul Ulama scholar from Rembang, apart from being a caregiver for the pesantren Raudlotuh Tholibin, he is a multitalented great Islamic teacher who has produced various works of art, calligraphy, a humanist person, and a scholar.
KH. Ali Maksum was born on March 2, 1915, in the village of Soditan, Lasem District, Rembang Regency. He was the first son of KH. Ma’shum bin KH. Ahmad Abdul Karim and Nyai Hj. Nuriyah binti KH. Muhammad Zein Lasem.
KH. Bisri Syansuri was born in Tayu Village, Pati Regency, Central Java Province, on 28 Dzulhijjah 1304 H/18 September 1886. He was the third child of the couple KH. Syansuri with Nyai Mariah.
KH. Husein Muhammad married with Nyai. Hj. Lilik Nihayah Fuadi. From this marriage, he was blessed with 5 sons and daughters. His children include Hilya Auliya born 1991, Layali Hilwa born 1992, Muhammad Fayyaz Mumtaz born 1994, Najla Hammaddah born 2002 and Fazla Muhammad born 2003.
KH. Miftachul Akhyar is an Islamic teacher (kyai) who is simple and has good morals, especially the manners of respecting guests. He did not hesitate to directly serve, pour, fetch, serve food and drinks through his own hands, without the help of helpers.
KH. Muhammad Hasyim Asy'ari Nahdlatul Ulama Jombang Jawa Timur lessonlearn
KH. Muhammad Ilyas Ruhiat was born on January 31, 1934, in Cipasung, Tasikmalaya, West Java. He was the son of KH. Ruhiat and Nyai Hj. Siti Aisyah.